overseas volunteer for a better india

art  of living

asian american  chamber of commerce



The Asian American Chamber of Commerce - Pittsburgh is non government, non profit organization which helps people from the Asian American origin settled in Pittsburgh to start and run businesses. It provides them networking opportunities and mentoring sessions by successful businessmen. I served as the Executive Director at AACC Pittsburgh for about a year and half after being the Youth Program Director for one year. Find more information about AACC Pittsburgh here.

The Art Of Living foundation is a non-profit, non-government organization founded by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in 1981 with the aim of having a stress free, violence free society. As a Teacher for the Art Of Living Foundation, I teach and organize some of Art Of Living's stress-release programs in colleges and outside.

The Art Of Living Happiness Program is a multi-day workshop offered in most major citites across the World which teaches a beautiful breathing technique called the Sudarshan Kriya. Sudarshan Kriya (or just the "Kriya") is rhythmic breathing technique which helps to harmonize the body-mind complex. Everything around us has a rhythm. If you notice, there are times of the day when you feel more fresh and energetic, and there are other times when you feel more tired and worn-out. So, Nature, the seasons, the Sun, the Moon; and even our bodies have a rhythm. The more we are in sync with the rhythm of the nature; and the more our body's and mind's rhythms are in sync with each other, the happier and healthier we will be. The Kriya helps us to achieve that balance and thus leaves one with a healthy body and a happy and pleasant mind. The workshop goes over this knowledge in a way that can be easily digested by course participants. I organize and teach this workshop.

Feel free to contact me for meditation in Indore. Find more information about Art Of Living here and here.

Overseas VBI is the overseas arm of Volunteer for a Better India (VBI) started by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar with an aim of making a change to socio-political system in India. While I was in the US, I, along with some friends motivated people to work for the betterment of India by lending one or more of three - time, talent and money.

In Pittsburgh, we did multiple fundraisers for an OVBI Project called Project Udaan. In Kolkata (West Bengal, India), there is an illegal red-light area called Sonagachi. Girls as young as 8 are sometimes pushed into the flesh trade against their will and their innocence is taken away in the most brutal way imaginable. Project Udaan (Udaan is a Hindi word meaning "Flight") started off as a Pilot project to rescue such 50 girls year total, but has since then grown to a stage where we are able to rescue 100 girls every year; and give them a better education, a normal life and a ray of hope to have a future which they can look forward to. Literally, giving them Udaan into a brighter future. You can find out more about Project Udaan here.

Find more information about OVBI here and here.